Radial drilling machine (RE2-1300)


分類 Radial drilling machine
メーカー OYA
保管場所 Head office. Machine Plaza
型式 RE2-1300
年式 不明
管理番号 7001Y530

◆ Column diameter: 340
◆ Maximum distance between column surface and spindle: 1330
◆ Left and right movement distance of spindle head: 1065
◆ Arm up and down movement: 660
◆ Base length: 2090
◆ Base width: 850
◆ Base height: 170
◆ Base work area: 740 × 1350
◆ Spindle diameter: 50/63
◆ Spindle MT No. 4
◆ Spindle speed (50 Hz) 32 to 1655 (60 Hz) 38 to 1985
◆ Table dimensions: 650 × 450 × 400
◆ Drilling ability steel 35 / cast iron 40
◆ boring ability steel 70 / cast iron 100
◆ Required floor space: 1250 × 2490
◆ Weight: 3000 kg